Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Creon Tragic Hero Essay As Popular Literary Essay

BLOG In: Popular topics Tragedy is dramatic composition, where main character (sometimes even other characters in incidental encounters), differing maximal for human will power, mind and feeling, violates some obligatory for all (from authors point of view) and overpowering law. In addition, the hero of the tragedy cannot realize his fault at all or does not realize it for a long time. He can act, according to the predestinations of heaven (e.g. antique tragedy) or being in power of blinding passion (e.g. tragedies of Shakespeare). Our paper writer online service will reveal you today the essence of genre tragedy by the example of tragedy of King Creon in composition of Sophocles Antigone in Creon tragic hero essay. Our company also has examples of samples on our site. Find the best sample narrative essay in our blog. Perception Of Genre Tragedy As Art By Different Scientists It will be appropriate to begin the presentation from the representatives of antiquity. Plato did not consider that tragedy had been the highest achievement of antique art. According to his words, humanity, which did not manage to curb the passions with the help of mind and live happily, did not have to increase own sufferings with the representation of the tragedy on the stage. Tragedy did not pleasure and was disaster and scourge for people. Plato refused to accept tragic muse into the state. Alternatively, that would mean reign of suffering instead of wise legislation. Aristotle highly appreciated tragedy as peak of art. This opinion appropriates to the leading position, which tragedy had in antique artistic literature. Tragedy is imitation of essential finished action, which has certain amount. Imitation happens thanks to style of speaking, whose parts are differently arrayed with the help of action instead of story. It is cathartic influence purification of viewers soul with the help of fear and compassion generated by tragic action. Aristotle put up moral and esthetic sense in definition of catharsis. It meant for him full enlightenment of humans soul. Tragedy had cognitive significance and did educative moral and esthetic influence (kalokagathia). Esthetics of enlighteners (Diderot, Lessing) disputed classicisms point of view, which considered that only outstanding and withstanding to the crowd personality could be the tragic hero. The hero of the tragedy can also be a trivial person. Diderot demanded simplicity, truth, natural sublimity from the tragedy and judged the artist, who portrayed death of Socrates on the front bed, because artist did not realize that virtue and innocence dying on the straw bed in the depth of prison could create pathetic and exalted sight. Lessing considered that tragedy depicted horrors and life disasters without embellishment and abatement of them and with disclosure of these events consistency and necessity. According to Lessing, tragic component is transient moment of the world, which does not exclude harmony and justice. Kant stated that tragedy excited the feeling of exalted one and comedy the feeling of beautiful one. According to Hegel, main point of tragic heros nature of aims is intention to the absolute one. Hegel considered that tragic component is the result of tragic characters interaction and tragic circumstances: as concrete, combined around given character thanks to its activity, as also common existing thanks to general concrete and historical setting, generated by the humanitys action. 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Moreover, viewers knew well the plots of myths on the base of which tragedies were created. Curiosity of Greek tragedy builds not only on cliffhangers, but also on the logic of action. The essence of tragedy is not in fatal outcome, but in behavior of main character. He acts according to necessity and is not in power to prevent unavoidably. However, necessity itself does not lead to outcome: he gives effect to his tragic fate thanks to his dynamic actions. Hero of antique tragedy acts freely even when he realizes inevitability of death. He is not fated human being but mainly hero, who acts freely according to imperatives of own I within the framework of necessity dictated by the will of gods. The aim of antique tragedy is catharsis: purification of viewers feelings with the help of fear and compassion. Antique tragedy contains in itself heroic conception of person and purifies viewer. Let us examine these conclusions by the example of Sophocless tragedy Antigone. Conflict between King Creon and his niece Antigone is shown in the tragedy. What is the reason for it? Antigones brothers, Eteocles and Polynices die in war for power. Hence, their uncle Creon mounts the throne. New king orders to bury nephew Eteocles defender of the Thebes with honors and left his brother Polynices as invader without interment. Antigone violates an order of Creon and buries his brother according to the divine laws. So, what is the essence of Creons tragic fate? His follow to the laws leads to full imperceptions to the advices of entourage and relatives; Creon is intolerant and hence, and he does not want to accept the situation correctly; King upraises himself as divine ruler and does not want to forgive Antigone; King Creon does not wish to feel himself as loser and shows himself as weak person at the same time. One may again make sure, that heroes of antique tragedies themselves choose decisions, which lead them to tragic outcome. Antigone buries Polynices and does not accept that she violates the rules. Creon chooses order and city and looses his sense of life his family. Therefore, are there two tragic heroes in the composition? From one side, one may agree that both characters are tragic. Nevertheless, Antigone understands the consequences of her decision while King Creon does not. Loss of relatives becomes awful shock for Creon. Personal responsibility essay reflects very well the essence of making right decisions. Our team also prepared at least interesting and useful information about earthquakes, which you can learn here: One may consider that genre of tragedy has brought many valuable settings to the art. Majority of scientists thought that tragedy described all moments of human life. Heroes of Greek tragedies realize their outcome but continue stepping against their fate. You can observe it by the example of Sophocless tragedy Antigone. 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